Charcoal Lemonade

Charcoal Lemonade
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Charcoal Lemonade is super duper healthy and detoxifying drink which regulates your immune system and its refreshing as well. Charcoal Lemonade is a quick summer recipe. You just need 3 minutes and this drink is in your hands. Charcoal Lemonade is best for the people who wants to loose some weight and wants to stimulates their immune system.

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Sugar Free Detox Charcoal Lemonade

When I first saw this Charcoal Lemonade, I just cant wait to try this just because of its dark color. I do not know but its blackish color has different kind of attraction. When you try this Charcoal Lemonade drink I am sure that it will become your favorite energy boasting drink. I recommend you to must try this drink at once. It will be on top in your favorite summer drinks.

Health Benefits of Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal is typically extract from count oil, peat or other carbon -rich materials.


Activated Charcoal helps human body to detoxify its digestive system. Activated Charcoal has large surface area which allows for the binding of many drugs and toxins. In fact Activated Charcoal’s overdose inserts into the patients in sense to inhibit the excessive absorption of drugs into the system circulation.


Activated Charcoal has activation process which creates surface area primed for attracting and exertion of toxins into human body. One of the health benefit of Activated Charcoal is that it helps in kidney diseases.

Relieves Indigestion

If you have some digestion issues than this Charcoal Lemonade is best for that as activated charcoal helps in digestion. Indigestion has different forms like some has bloating issues while others experiences gas problems while others has to deal with nausea, reflux, or the feeling of slow digestion.

Research have shown that if you take activated charcoal after meal than it helps in digestion. So this Charcoal Lemonade is best drink for the ones who have digestion issues.

Supports Immunity

As you know that lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C. As an antioxidant compound, vitamin C supports human body by supporting the function of immune system of human body. This helps your body by protecting from pathogens by supporting skin defensive system. That’s why you have seen that many skin care products uses vitamin C.

Charcoal Lemonade

Basically it helps in fighting reactive oxygen species, kill of microbes, supports the function of your immune cell. Its best part is that it also helps in replacing old immune cells.

This Charcoal Lemonade is best drink to be serve in summers. Try this refreshing drink along with BBQ and enjoy its refreshing flavor.

What does this drink tastes like?

Charcoal Lemonade tastes just like that of lemon juice. Due to its black color people thinks that it may be sticky or have some different kind of flavor but reality is far away from it. Charcoal Lemonade has a rich flavor just that one similar to lemon juice.

The activated charcoal is quite different from that of normal charcoal. Activated charcoal helps in detoxifying to digestion. Activated charcoal is made from everything from bone char to coconuts or olive pits. It does not effects the flavor of that dish in which it is added.

Why this drink is so good?

  • This recipes includes only 3 ingredients. It is so cool that you have only 3 things and you are ready to have this refreshing drink
  • Best thing about this drink is that it helps in detoxifying your digestive system and helps in improving your immunity system.
  • Its a less time taking drink means you only need 5 minutes to have this drink into your stomach.
  • Charcoal Lemonade is super healthy and refreshing as well.
  • This drink is rich source of vitamin C.
foods liver

How to make charcoal lemonade

Making Charcoal Lemonade is such an easy task means you just need to have 3 simple ingredients and need 5 minutes to make this healthy dish. Add lemon juice, charcoal. sugar and some ice in a pitcher and mix all the ingredients well. Your Charcoal Lemonade juice is ready to serve.

Is this a good drink?

This drink is very beneficial for the one’s who have some digestion issues either it is in the form of bloating issues or in gas issues. Try this drink after having heavy meal and it fasts your digestion process. When activated charcoal is mixed with lemon juice than this drink becomes a rich source of vitamin C.

Biological uses of Charcoal Lemonade

Charcoal Lemonade
  • Anti aging
  • Improve digestion
  • Better Heart health
  • Improved Kidney function
  • Reduce Fish odor syndrome
  • Reduce cholesterol level
  • Skin improvement

Try another healthy drink during summers. Try out our new drink recipe of Watermelon Water

How to use Charcoal powder?

You can use activated charcoal in bulk form. Add 1/2 teaspoon of activated charcoal into lemonade juice. Other option is that you can use capsules of charcoal. Use two capsules for single drink.

Charcoal Lemonade

The sugar free Charcoal Lemonade is best detoxifying drink during summer which helps in regulating your immune system. The activated charcoal powder helps you in reducing body toxins and may even cure your hangover.


  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 6 cups of water
  • 1 tablespoon activated charcoal
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup


  1. Take a large pitcher and add 6 cups of water of water in it
  2. Add maple syrup in it and mix it well
  3. Now add 1/2 cup lemon juice and 1 tablespoon activated charcoal in the same pitcher and mix all the ingredients in it.
  4. Add some ice and chill the drink.
  5. This drink is ready to serve.

Nutrition Facts

Charcoal Lemonade is not only a refreshing drink but it has a lot of uses for human body. It detoxify your digestive system and improves your immune system as well. As lemon is in this drink so it has excessive of vitamin C. Try to have this drink to improve your immune system.

Prep Time                5 minutes
Total Time               5 minutes
Course                   Drink
Cuisine                  American
Calories                 71kcal

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